Monday, March 28, 2011


Alright, so to continue with my story...I began meeting with the schools nutritionist in the spring to work on a diet plan to make me feel better and get back to my normal weight. Of course our awesome sports nutritionist had been seriously ill and out a couple of months so my only option was to meet with the schools nutritionist who wasn't quite in tune with the diet of an athlete. She believed the iron supplements I was in dire need of were the primary cause of my stomach issues and mandated that I needed to stop taking them. When I told her I felt like I was always hungry even after meals she told me that was normal as I was burning a lot of calories doing what I do. After meals I felt hungry but my stomach would feel full up into my chest and when that happened I knew the stomach pains were on their way. I wasn't running well, constantly felt tired and sick and was hating every bit of it. WHEN WOULD THIS END?!? Finally, the next fall, our sports nutritionist was back and better than ever! I began the season with IT tendinitis in my knee and was trying to work my way back when I got fed up with the stomach issues. My coach suggested I meet with Michelle (our nutritionist) and I gladly followed through. When I began describing my symptoms she immediately began asking what all it was I was eating. When I told her she asked do you normally feel sick after eating a lot of pasta or carbs. In the past I was an absolute carb lover. Being part Italian pasta was a mainstay in my diet as well as numerous bagels, waffles, and of course my favorite Hawaiian sweet rolls :-). However upon thinking about it, I realized that after I had mono I couldn't make it through the day without some sort of stomach pain. After eating my sandwich and pretzels and whatever else, I would get a stomach ache. I wrote it off as normal but little did I know the real issue.

The diagnosis:

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